Volunteers & ICON
No one gets paid to throw the longest-running science fiction and fantasy party in the state of Iowa. We rely on volunteers to do nearly EVERYTHING to provide our members with a fun, interactive weekend. ICON would not happen without volunteers.
Being a volunteer can last just an hour or two, a whole year, or a lifetime. Any amount of time you can donate to make our convention a success is greatly appreciated!
What do volunteers do?
- Serve as a member of the Convention Committee (aka ConCom). The individuals are the head honchos of the convention and make sure everything is running smoothly and everyone is generally happy.
- Serve as department heads. Every aspect of our convention has an individual or two that serves as a point person.
- Art Show
- AV Technician
- Blood Mobile
- Cartography
- Chocolate Ceremony
- Con Medic
- ConSuite/Hospitality Room
- Costume Central/Masquerade
- Donations Liaison
- Dealers’ Room
- Gaming
- Guest of Honor Liaisons
- Hotel Liaison
- IT Services
- Logistics
- Paradise ICON
- Project Manager & Meeting Coordinator
- Programming
- Program Book Layout and Design
- Publicity
- Registration
- Room Parties
- On-Site Signage
- Security
- Social Media and Web services
- Student Writing Workshop
- Tech and AV
- Trans-Iowa Canal Company director
- Treasurer
- Volunteer Coordinator(s)
- Be a gopher the weekend of the event.
- Help out with pre-event publicity like walking in parades.
- Help load/unload the truck.
- Help setup the ConSuite.
- Help setup the Art Show.
- Be a runner for the dealers.
- Monitor the Art Show and help with sales.
- Be a game librarian in the Gaming Room.
- Assist at the Volunteer Table recruiting and directing other volunteers.
- Share knowledge and expertise on a panel or in a workshop
The Perks of Being a Volunteer…Earning ConBucks!
Volunteers are given ConBucks at a rate of one ConBuck per hour. Keep in mind that some volunteer tasks such as helping with registration on Friday, setup on Thursday evening and Friday morning, and Sunday teardown after closing ceremonies will earn double ConBucks.
How to Redeem ConBucks
- ConBucks may be used like cash at the Registration Desk to purchase a membership for this year or pre-register for next year.
- Volunteers may make the difference with cash, check or credit card if they do not work enough hours to earn a full membership.
- ConBucks may be used at the Volunteer Table for the volunteer gifts.
- They may also be used at participating vendors in the Dealers’ Room and at the Art Show like cash, with the following restrictions:
- No change will be given.
- ConBucks may not be exchanged for cash.
- ConBucks expire at the end of the weekend they were earned.