Registration Form
Registration prices: $ 0.00 12 and under $ 55.00 13 and over $ 150.00 Benefactor (all Ages) $ 100.00 Paradise ICON (restrictions Apply)
At this time we are only taking one registration per form.
Read the agreement below before submitting your registration. By purchasing this registration you are agreeing to and accepting to follow all rules and policies of Iowa-ICON and Mindbridge Foundations. At any time should you be in violation of the listed policies, you may be required to surrender your badge and/or leave the premises for the duration of the weekend. For the complete Rules, guidelines and policies go to: and
You also agree to allow photos containing yourself in group/location candid shots to be used for ICON promotional materials. ICON photographers will always ask before hand when taking posed photos. Photos will not be sold to any 3rd party.