Want to volunteer?

ICON is a completely volunteer-run convention. No one gets paid to throw the longest-running science fiction and fantasy party in the state of Iowa. We rely solely on volunteers to do nearly EVERYTHING to provide our members with a fun, interactive weekend.
It is true that without volunteers, ICON would not happen.

Being a volunteer can last just an hour or two, a whole year or a lifetime.

Any amount of time you can donate to make our convention a success is greatly appreciated!

Enter Art Show

For the Art Show:

  • Bids sheets must be attached to each piece, and a control sheet listing each piece must be included.
  • The bid sheets must be attached so that they may be seen while hanging.
  • Each piece MUST have a Minimum Bid, Quick Sale Price, and After Auction price.If no minimum bid is shown, the buyer may assume there is no minimum bid. After Auction price can be NFS. If the work is for display only, mark the piece as NFS.
  • Artists bring or mail artwork to the convention and hang it in our show. If you choose to mail in artwork, it will be hung by volunteers.
  • Artwork must be ready to display upon arrival.
  • This is a family-friendly convention. Please keep content to a PG-13 level.
  • No perishable artwork. This includes cakes, cookies, other baked goods, and other ephemeral art works. We do this to ensure the safety of the other artists’ work.
  • If there is space, walk-in artwork will be accepted on Friday from Noon till 5 pm and from 10 am until Noon on Saturday.
  • The Art Show Director reserves to right to refuse to hang/display any artwork deemed inappropriate.

For the Print Shop:

  • Each piece must have a price tag which includes the artist title, print number/edition, print medium and price.

Whether we call them vendors, “huxters”, exhibitors, or dealers, the aim of this room is the same – bringing fans access to great science fiction fantasy-related merchandise in one convenient location.

Become a Dealer

Hours of Operation:
Friday from 2 PM to 6 PM
Saturday from 10 AM to 6 PM
Sunday from 10 AM to 2 PM

Host a Fan Table

Do you run an SF, Fantasy, Horror, Anime, or Gaming convention?

Are you an SCA, SF/F, Anime, Gaming, Renaissance, or related fan group?

Do you run an organization you think the extended SF/F/Horror/Anime/Gaming/SCA communities might like?

Then we’ve got FAN TABLES for you!

Sign up coming soon!!

Throw a Room Party

Parties are a traditional part of ICON and open to all registered members of the convention. Just show your convention badge as you cross each threshold into each party and enjoy the hospitality brought to you by the talent and generosity of our amazing party hosts!